First Post!

Hello and welcome to BapBapBap, which may sometimes be referred to as Bap3, depending on how lazy I’m feeling.

I have no idea how to properly introduce a blog, so I’ll just ramble a bit, both to offer some background while also testing out the post function of this new website.

What I am hoping to achieve with this page is an English resource for anyone living in or visiting the city of Gwangju, which has been my home for many years now. I realize I’m basically repeating everything I’ve typed out in the About page, but there’s no harm in being a little redundant, right?

I imagine this website will change and shift about as I find my footing, but I’m hoping it can turn out to be something that can be mutually enjoyable for both myself and any readers I may be lucky enough to gain.

If there is anything you’d like to see, please do let me know! Though I can’t offer much, I am happy to help when I can.

Thank you for reading!

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diyarbakır son dakika
diyarbakır son dakika
8 days ago

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