For the past few months or so, all of the Burger King locations I usually walk by have been advertising this special truffle promotio that has left me both curious and doubtful. As someone who has never tried real truffles, but has enjoyed many truffle-flavored dishes, I am quite familiar with that very distinct taste and aroma that has made truffle oil into somewhat of a controversial ingredient.

I recently went to my friend Butternut’s home to watch some TV and bake cookies. Since we were both feeling too lazy to make dinner or leave the apartment for actual food, I decided to use that moment as an excuse to have Burger King delivered for dinner.

트러플프라이 / Truffle Fries
These were better than expected. Though the cheese had solidified some, most likely due to us making the brilliant choice of having hot food delivered on a cold evening, the fake truffle flavor was definitely present in the gravy-like cream sauce. It oddly reminded me of leftover poutine. Butternut was also pleasantly surprised.

트러플콰트로머쉬룸와퍼 / Truffle Quattro Mushroom Whopper
The Whopper is typically a very wet burger, and this was no exception. The addition of the truffle cream sauce made it that much more sloppy, but the fake truffle flavor did come through. The bacon and what was advertised to be four different types of mushrooms were quite nice, though the former had grown a little soggy from the sheer amount of moisture present in the burger.
Final Verdict
As someone who enjoys Burger King far more often than one should, these were surprisingly decent promotional events. The lack of sweetness was appreciated, and the choice to combine mushrooms with a creamy sauce showed a thoughtful touch. I might even be tempted to try the steak version that comes with a brioche bun while it’s still available.