My name is Jen, and I’ve lived in Gwangju, South Korea since 2010. Though I am primarily an artist (and overall hustler) by trade, researching and experimenting with food has turned into one of my favorite hobbies ever since I started living abroad and could no longer depend on running to my usual boring meals for sustanence.
After writing restaurant reviews for GwangjuBlog.Com from 2010 to 2017, I realized that I really enjoy writing about food, especially when it gives me an excuse to try new places I never would have considered visiting before. If reading long rants about food isn’t really your style, you can hear me blather on about local restaurants on on City of Light‘s Taste Local on Thursday evenings, only on GFN 98.7MHz. Feel free to tune in when you can!
The name BapBapBap was inspired by two sources. The first is due to a friend using “bap bap bap” as the sound effect for people talking too much. The second plays with the Korean word 밥 (sometimes romanized as “bab”), which translates to “rice” (technically cooked rice) and can also be used to refer to a meal. As someone who has a bad habit of talking way too much about food, this seemed appropropriate.
By no means will I ever claim to be any sort of expert on anything related to food on this page, but I hope that my passion and curiosity can prove to help others while offering some points of reference for anyone who may find themselves down in this city I’ve come to love as my second home.
Thank you for reading!
NOTE: I hate to admit it, but I am pretty terrible when it comes to consuming coffee, alcohol, and many different forms of seafood. I would like to apologize for the lack of content highlighting those three items, especially to those who are visiting this site in hopes of such recommendations.
If you have any questions or just want to get in touch, leave a comment somewhere on this page or social media, or send an email to baptimes3@gmail.com!